"It's NOT me, it's U"

that's one of the books i just finished reading recently.

and another one;

Hj Hasan Muhammad Al Khairun bin Ghozali
di dlm bukunya (Buku Pintar Menjadi Lelaki & Wanita Soleh) menyatakan panduan mencari suami, carilah yang:

1. beragama Islam,
2. taat beragama dan baik akhlaknya,
3. menjauhi maksiat,
4. semangat jihad,
5. dari keluarga yang soleh,
6. taat kpd org tuanya,
7. stabil dr segi ekonomi,
8. sekufu,
9. dapat memimpin,
10. bertanggungjawab,
11. cute (that's additional.keke)

hmm..kt mana la nk jumpa ni..(scratching head)

r u one of them?then gv me a call.m i being too picky..or sensible

been a dumpee twice,(i know hw it feels)
decided 'we have no bright future together' thrice.(i understand hw u feel>see the list above)
have i had enough?life's about growing wiser by experience.
there's no such thing as true love.maybe that's true

dear my 'the one', don't take too long to come n be my saviour!

life's like that!


  1. weit ciri2 calon suami ek??wah wah wah bagus bagus,,,so bila kita nak kawin nie??huuuuuuu

  2. cool..good luck

  3. kukubal>thnx

    rose>well according to kitab yeah.but as human being we always follow our hearts rather than the kitab.

    but deep inside,i know what i want is not always what i need.

    when ur in the dark, always search for the light thru ur heart

  4. haha.tersilap comment kat post lain...
    i kinda agree w that list.


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